Today we tried, and failed, to do San Sebastian in a day. Our Fitbits tell us we walked 21,000 steps. Well to be truthful Shirley’s says she walked 23,000 but we can only assume it’s because she’s got shorter legs than me given that we did the whole walk together. Poppy and Boo came with us and they have been lying comatose ever since we got back.
Anyway, I digress. We walked the full length of the sea front, round the old town and onto the third beach, which is through the old town, over a bridge and yet further still.

We ate Tapas and Ice Cream, drank coffee and beer and looked at the statue of Jesus high up on a hill that was just many steps too far. Even as I write that I wonder if there’s a moral to that part of the story. We peered into the incredibly clean water at the port, briefly contemplated a trip on a boat and looked in the classy shops. Even some of the gift shops here look classy.
We looked in an estate agent’s window and almost laughed at the prices. 2.85€ million for a sea front apartment.
So, back to the ice cream. There really should have been a health warning on the shop doorway. I waited outside with the dogs while Shirley went in to get two cones with two flavours in each. She was gone for ages and when she came out a bunch of Spanish women sitting in the shade nearby went into peals of laughter and shouted out “Rapido! Rapido!. These babies were so mahoosive Shirley could barely carry them out. We would have taken a photo of them but, as our Spanish audience pointed out, any delay in starting to eat them could only end in disaster, sitting as we were on a sunny bench in 28° heat. Finally defeated we broke our own rules and gave the dogs the last bit of the cones with a tiny bit of ice cream left in them. If there’s a bad reaction to that in the middle of the night it will serve us completely right.
This is a beautiful town. It is much bigger and busier than we imagined and full of vibrant life, healthy looking people and a fair number of American tourists. We haven’t seen it advertised in the UK so that probably explains why there were far fewer Brits. In fact we learned about it from our American friends who claim it as one of their favourite places on earth. Thanks for the heads up Jann and Pat.
The Motorhome Aire only allows a stay of 72 hours so it is completely impossible to do it justice in that time. the only solution is to add it to our Bucket List. Hoping to be back one day.