It’s March 15th 2016 and we’ve just driven away from our house to start another adventure. This time we have six months to wander at will. Our house has been let to a lovely family who will take good care of it allowing us to relax, knowing it’s in good hands.
The decision to do this happened quickly and we’ve spent the last 10 days decluttering, visiting the local charity shops and the dump, putting most of our personal possessions into a big walk-in cupboard and preparing the house for its new family and the van for a long trip.
We decided straight away that we would need a trailer – after all we can’t go for six months without our golf clubs & trolleys, bikes, utility tent, badminton racquets, BBQ … you get the idea. We needed more room. The first trailer we bought was too small and we had to go back to Martin the trailer man and ask to swap it for a bigger one. He laughed and said nearly everyone does that. The trailer we finally settled on will hold all our gear, including the bikes, once we work out how to pack it properly.
So, you’ll be wondering what exotic destination we’ve chosen for our first stop. We’re in Roslin, of the Dan Brown and Rosslyn Chapel fame. It’s only 25 miles from home but it has much to commend it:
- It has a really good CL site with plenty of room for two girls who need to work out how to pack a trailer properly;
- It is right next door to Rosslyn Chapel where you can take a fascinating tour of the Mediaeval Church with its connections to the Knights Templar;
- It’s on the bus route into Edinburgh City;
- It’s near Ikea (I know … but who can resist it?);
- The local pub does excellent food;
- And last but far from least we’re only a couple of miles from granddaughter Cara and her Mum & Dad.
We have the car with us at the moment but we’ll be leaving that with family when we strike out to more distant places. There’s no rush though. We have stacks of time to explore Scotland, some of England and eventually we’ll end up over the water in France.
Bring it on … but not too fast. We’re knackered from all that packing.

Good for you, what an adventure, not that I’m jealous of course.
Hello!!! I’ve sent you an email to your gmail account Margaret as this one on your blog was appearing to be invalid! Apologies for my incompetence with technology!!
Well, so another adventure begins. I remember you mentioning on ‘fun’ that you were going to be fulltiming for a while and I have been watching out for your blog to be updated. I am looking forward to reading about your latest travels, and looking at the photos of course. Will you still be going to the Peterborough motorhome show?
Hi Paul, Yes we’re coming to the Peterborough show. Will you be there? Look out for us – it will be good to meet you. M
Yes, Lynda (the wife) and I will be going, arriving on Thursday. We are fairly new to the Warners shows but we really enjoy them, especially the entertainment. We will certainly look out for you. We will have plenty of wine……
I’ve been looking forward to your blog starting again……have a great trip & should catch up with you at Rutland next month.
Hi Debs, Thanks for your note. I’m very happy to be blogging again. I’m learning how to use a slightly different layout so I hope it looks ok from your end. Shirley and I are both really looking forward to meeting you in person at the Ladies Meet. Best wishes M