So here we are. It’s our last night in France and we’re back at the place we started from. We’re in Neufchatel en Bray in Normandy, this time on the paid Aire de Camping Car next to the campsite where we spent the first three nights of our trip. The campsite owner has made a beautiful job of this Aire and it’s well worth the 12€ a night with very smart, completely flat pitches, each with a private grass area, unlimited electric, water and waste plus good fast wifi. There’s even a little coin operated laundry; not that we’ll be using that, anything that is dirty now is going home with us.

It’s very, very cold in the mornings and evenings but bizarrely warm for about two hours in the afternoon. How the locals work out what to wear at the start of the day I have no idea.
The main purpose of our stay here was to visit the vet so that Poppy and Boo could get their worming tablets and have their passports stamped as fit to travel back to the UK. We’d visited the same vet on our way south to get advice about protection against lungworm and found them to be brilliant.
The dogs were looking pretty scruffy by the time we were ready to make our appointment. Poppy couldn’t see because her fringe was so long and the hair on Boo’s legs was beginning to fall into ringlets. Something had to be done so we asked at the vets if they could fit them into the grooming room. Pas de probleme! We were told to deliver the dogs at 9.00 a.m., wait while the passport business was done and then leave them for three hours to be groomed and clipped. The lovely young French groomer didn’t flinch when she saw them. She even managed a little smile before she suggested that short all over was probably the best answer to our hairy challenge.

Feeling like parents leaving their child in school for the first time we left two confused little dogs and set off into town to find somewhere to eat breakfast.
In France there is no such thing as a greasy spoon café where you can order a massive artery challenging fry up. I don’t really know what the French eat for breakfast but whatever it is they keep it a closely guarded secret. We wandered up the high street, realising with sinking hearts that it was Monday morning again and three quarters of business owners and indeed the majority of living beings were hiding behind closed shutters refusing to accept that Sunday was over. Eventually we saw that a café/brasserie was open, although it was trying very hard not to show it. The glass was frosted and it looked closed but we saw a woman coming out of the door, glancing rapidly over her shoulder and scuttling down the road before disappearing into a darkened doorway. Desperation for coffee and something to eat gave us the courage we needed to walk in. What followed was exactly like a scene from a Western when the saloon doors swing open and the handful of clientele at the bar swivel round and stare. Absolute silence fell as they looked at us and then back to the woman behind the bar. It takes French people absolutely no time at all to recognise a foreigner. I don’t know if it’s the lack of style that we Brits are famous for or the look of confusion that passes over our faces when we realise that we’ve forgotten to rehearse what we will ask for in advance of walking in – whatever it was they knew. They knew and we knew and for the life of me in that moment I could not think how to ask what was available to order. No menus were on the tables, nothing written behind the bar and not an item of any kind of food in evidence anywhere. I tried to remember the word for food but whatever came out of my mouth obviously made no sense to the woman behind the bar and it was still deadly silent. Then Shirley spoke, “Café et quelque chose a manger si’l vous plait” I could have kissed her but we’d made enough of a scene so it was probably wise not to. Woman behind bar shrugged and said “Croque monsieur?” and we gratefully sank into seats at a table in the corner and the normal noise of chat and laughter resumed.
From that moment onwards everything improved, we were served warmly and kindly, people drinking coffee smiled at us encouragingly and we had a good coffee and enjoyed the croque monsieur immensely. The truth slowly seeped in with the warmth of the coffee. They were obviously worried about not being able to communicate with us and once some kind of understanding was established everyone could relax again. We left cheered as well as warmed and fed and the voices calling “Au revoir” and “Bonne journée” were genuine and friendly as we went on our way.
Looking at the time, we realised that we still had over an hour before the not so hairy pups were ready to be picked up from the vet so we did what any sensible person does in such a situation – we went shopping. It’s pointless denying it – this wasn’t just any shopping, we went shopping for cakes. This leads me to another mystery that the French keep hidden from the rest of civilised society. How do they manage to produce and sell so many truly outrageous cream cakes and yet stay so slim? If I didn’t like them so much I could really despise the French for this enviable skill that no other nationality has managed to attain. It reminds me of a word of wisdom someone once shared with me. Men think that what women really want is to find the perfect partner when in fact what they want more than anything in the world is the ability to eat whatever they like and stay thin. It was our last day in France and we were past caring. The only thing for us was an enormous Mille Feuilles. If you’ve never had one please put it on your bucket list. No-one should leave this world without eating one… oh and have a Religieuse too. Orgasm on a plate … truly…. actually you don’t even need a plate.
Time to get the dogs and we crept into the vets wondering what they would come out looking like. We once sent Boo to a groomer who sent him home with a ribbon in his hair – honestly – he was so embarrassed. I’m happy to report that our little travel companions came out looking extremely neat and clean and very short. Poppy is much blonder than we realised and Boo … well put it this way his personal bits were well hidden before and now Poppy keeps going up and staring and sniffing.

It’s evening now and we’re sitting all cosy trying to imagine what life will be like when we are back in a house again. We’ve been in Europe for nine weeks but it feels a lot longer. We’ve met a lot of lovely people, received much kindness and hospitality and experienced differences in culture and attitudes that have opened our eyes to some of the things we take for granted in Britain that we could do well to challenge. We’ve grown to love France and Spain even more than before and enjoyed sharing their riches of good food and wine everywhere we’ve been. I’ve been trying to think which parts have been the best but for the life of me I can’t do it … everywhere has been special in its own way. We’ll be back in Scotland in a couple of days and no doubt as we unpack and put everything away the gems will emerge from all the memories we are carrying home.
Thanks folks for travelling with us as you’ve read our blog and looked at our pictures. Au revoir until the next trip and it’s accompanying blog.
P.S. A break down of expenses and costs for anyone that’s interested will appear on the side bar very soon.
Loved following your travels !!! Poor Boo !! Made me laugh out loud !
Well, they say all good things must come to an end. Its been great reading your blog, I’ll be looking forward to your next trip. Any plans?
No plans yet but lots of ideas floating about. Thanks for giving me so much encouragement. Home tomorrow and it will be strange being in a big house.
Hi again. I was going to say I hoped to see you at one of Warners motorhome shows but I suppose you are just a tad too far away. I will look out for you on motorhomefun of course.
We’re going to the Peterborough show in April next year all being well. Will you be there?
Thank you for sharing,interesting and amusing and very well written. Safe travels to you all……….Martin(MrEd)
Thank you Martin – very happy that you enjoyed it. I loved writing it and now feel a bit of a loss.
Loved reading it. Look forward to the next trip!
Thank you Lyn – we’re looking forward to the next trip already. 😉
The end of a wonderful journey. Look forward to seeing you soon. X
I have really enjoyed reading your blog. You have a lovely turn of phrase and it has been great to hear tales from two fellow countrywomen. We have just bought our first motorhome and looking forward to some travels of our own in school hols (until i retire). Have a safe trip back to Scotland and if you get the chance would you mind giving details of the vet as we will need to take our dog Dennis there when we do get to France.
Hi Liz, The vet in Neufchatel is excellent and reasonably priced too. Here is the link to their website. http://www.vetbray.fr/ You can book online by sending them an email and they will reply in English. I’m so glad you enjoyed the blog. If you would like any more information or to stay in contact please email lovemotorhomeing@gmail.com (note that there is an e in the email address that isn’t in the web address)
So pleased you had a great trip. I have enjoyed your blog so much and only wish we could have bumped into you some time. Perhaps another day another trip our paths will cross. Thanks one agin.
Thanks for following us and for all your encouragement. We’ll watch your blog as you travel on your way. Have a great time.
Thank you so much for a wonderful blog. You should consider writing a book! Wishing you a safe journey home to Bonnie Scotland.
I’ve got the writing bug big time – hoping to write a travel book. Thanks for the great encouragement. Home now and it’s cold and wet. 🙂
Hello Margaret and Shirley
Thank you so much for your interesting blog. I’ve been off work after an op and fervently planning our gap year in a motor home next year. I find your style of writing very easy to read and friendly. We put our down payment on a motor home yesterday and are having a debate about solar panels. I see you have one and would value your advice please. We will be away for 6 week chunks next year. One period in France and Switzerland.. Then June + in Scandinavia. Autumn hopefully Spain and Portugal. We hope to free camp a bit but at the moment are unsure how realistic this is. Have you found the solar panel invaluable or just a bonus? The dealer is fitting 100w for £500 and there seems to be so much conflicting info on line if that is a good deal or not. We have a very good deal on the van so keeping it all in house may be worth a bit more. We do live in a sunny part of southern England.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Thanks for the comment and questions Jan. I’ve sent you an email. let me know if it doesn’t arrive. Margaret